Example code to set your discord status to whatever you are playing (by using a socket connection)
from flask import Flask
from flask_socketio import SocketIO
from pypresence import Presence
from time import time, sleep
from threading import Thread
print('host >> http://localhost:80')
def parseStr(raw : str):
if isinstance(raw, str): res = raw
else: res = str(raw)
if len(res) == 1: return '0' + res
else: return res
def parseTime(raw : int):
parsed = []
current = raw
if current >= 3600:
parsed.append(parseStr(int(current / 3600)))
current = current % 3600
if current >= 60:
parsed.append(parseStr(int(current / 60)))
current = current % 60
res = ':'.join(parsed)
if len(parsed) == 1: res = '00:' + res
return res
app = Flask(__name__)
sio = SocketIO(app, cors_allowed_origins='*')
client_id = '645647189871165440'
sinceUpdate = time()
ping = 0
displayData = {
'duration': 0,
'videoId': '',
'channel': '',
'title': '',
'paused': False
RPC = Presence(client_id,pipe=0)
def t1():
global ping, sinceUpdate
while True:
if displayData['paused'] or displayData['videoId'] == '':
currentTime = time()
if currentTime-10 > ping and currentTime > sinceUpdate:
ping = currentTime
sinceUpdate = ping + 15
displayData['paused'] = True
RPC.update(details=displayData['title'], state=f'{displayData["channel"]} \n| paused time: {parseTime(displayData["duration"])}', large_image='youtube', small_image='small_y', large_text='Playing YouTube video', small_text='Made by Yazaar', buttons=[{'label': 'Open YouTube', 'url': f'https://youtu.be/{displayData["videoId"]}'}])
def newData(data):
global sinceUpdate, ping
videoId = data['data']['videoId']
currentDuration = int(data['data']['currentTime'])
ping = time()
timeDelta = currentDuration - displayData['duration']
displayData['duration'] = currentDuration
if time() > sinceUpdate and (videoId != displayData['videoId'] or timeDelta > 2 or -2 > timeDelta or displayData['paused']):
displayData['channel'] = data['data']['channel']
displayData['title'] = data['data']['title']
displayData['videoId'] = data['data']['videoId']
displayData['paused'] = False
sinceUpdate = time() + 15
RPC.update(start=ping - displayData['duration'], details=displayData['title'], state=displayData['channel'], large_image='youtube', small_image='small_y', large_text='Playing YouTube video', small_text='Made by Yazaar', buttons=[{'label': 'Open YouTube', 'url': f'https://youtu.be/{displayData["videoId"]}'}])
Thread(target=t1, daemon=True).start()
sio.run(app, port=80)